Protein Cream

Agricultural Supply Chain Protein Cream

The new frontier of food technology always and only starts with the excellence of our milk


Protein Cream


Natural aromas of vanilla Bourbon of Madagascar makes it delicious. An elegant and perfect cream for your protein bowls with 0.2g of fat and 16g of protein.


Product code: DP6003
Weight: 125g
Storage: 0/+4°
Shelf Life: 90 days

Protein Cream


The flavor of cocoa is combined with the energy of proteins, in a creamy alliance of 0.2g of fat and 15g of protein.


Product code: DP6010
Weight: 125g
Storage: 0/+4°
Shelf Life: 90 days


Protein Cream

Peanut Butter

The taste of peanuts brings back overseas and provides the energy to cross it. 19g of protein in 125g of cream, how? Simply by adding natural proteins to our milk.


Product code: DP6027
Weight: 125g
Storage: 0/+4°
Shelf Life: 90 days


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